


韦宗友:“美国对一带一路倡议的认知与中美竞合”,《美国问题研究》, 2018年第一辑

Wei Zongyou, "The U.S. Perceptions of China’s "Belt and Road" Initiative and China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition," Fudan American Review,  No.1, 2018

内容提要】本文较为系统地梳理了美国政府及战略届对中国“一带一路”倡议的认知与态度。 美国政府早在2011年提出过名为“新丝绸之路”的计划,希望通过能源、基础设施建设等措施将阿富汗与中亚及南亚在经济上链接起来,促进中亚与南亚的地区经济整合,便于美国尽快从阿富汗抽身。 面对中国提出的“一带一路”倡议,美国政府曾一度认为中美存在合作机会,但随着中国倡议的快速推进、特别是亚投行的设立,美国更多从地缘政治及战略角度审视中国的倡议,开始公开质疑和私下反对。美国战略界也对中国的倡议颇多微词,认为这一倡议不仅仅是经济大手笔,更是具有深远的地缘政治与地缘经济影响。特朗普政府对“一带一路” 倡议的态度从一开始的谨慎接触,到近期的质疑与联手应对,反映出美国政府对中国“一带一路”倡议日益增加的战略疑虑。文末对如何打消美方疑虑、推进中美在“一带一路”建设中的合作提出了政策建议 

关键词】 “一带一路” 倡议  “新丝绸之路”计划 美国 中美关系 

作 者】 韦宗友,复旦大学美国研究中心教授 

Abstract】As early as 2011, the United States pronounced a “New Silk Road” project aiming at connecting Afghanistan with Central Asia and South Asia by means of energy development, road, railway, and pipelines construction, along with a more reduced duty and simplified border transit clearance. When China launched its “Belt and Road” Initiative in 2013, the Barack Obama administration paid little attention to it initially, but grew suspicious and concerned as the initiatives went along well, especially after the Asia Infrastructure And Investment Bank(AIIB) was established and joined by many western countries. Donald Trump was initially ambivalent toward China’s initiative, and even sent a delegation to participate China’s “Belt and Road” Forum held in Beijing. However, Trump’s attitudes toward the initiative became more negative as time went by and he viewed it more from geopolitical and strategic competition prism and even considered establishing a joint regional infrastructure scheme to rival China’s initiative, together with Japan, India, and Australia. 

Key Words】Belt and Road Initiative  New Silk Road  The U.S.  China-U.S. Relations 
Author】Wei Zongyou, Professor of the Center for American Studies, Fudan University