



Cai Cuihong, "Geopolitics in the Cyberspace: A New Pwespective in U.S.-China Relations," 

The Journal of International Studies,  No.1, 2018

内容提要】网络空间正在成为新一轮地缘政治博弈的大舞台, 网络地缘政治成为大国博弈的一个分析视角。网络空间组成架构的地缘属性、网络空间活动主体的地缘属性以及主权国家在网络空间日益上升的权力,都构建了网络空间的地缘政治属性.中美关系中的网络地缘政治逻辑包括六大方面:地缘政治思维构建网络安全话语和政策、网络空间人造壁垒与地缘政治空间的重合、网络主权问题强化传统地缘政治理论、网络空间权力争夺重现地缘政治竞争、网络军事化趋势加强地缘政治冲突风险、网络问题逐渐被纳入传统地缘政治格局。由美国引导的大国网络博弈的地缘政治趋势对全球网络安全形势形成了威胁,中国应与各国携手,超越地缘政治并推进“网络空间命运共同体”建设。  

关键词】世界政治  网络空间  网络安全  地缘政治  网络地缘政治  “网络空间命运共同体”  

作 者】蔡翠红,复旦大学美国研究中心教授


AbstractCyberspace is now becoming a big statge for a new round of geopolitical competition, and the geopolitics of cyberspace has emerged as a useful analytical perspective. Cyberspace is being geopoliticized due to the geographic attributes of cyberspace architecture, major actors, and the growing power of sovereign states in the cyberspace. There are six aspects in terms of the logic of geopoitics of cyberspace in the U.S.-China relations: the geopotical thinking behind cyber security discourse and policy, the overlap between man-made cyberspace boundaries and geopolitical space, the concept of of cyberspace sovereignty echoing traditional theories of geopolitics, the similarity of power struggle in the cyberspace increasing risks of geopolitical conflicts, and the gradual integration of cyberspace issues into traditional geopolitical structure. The U.S.-led geopoliticization trend of cyberspace is detrimental to global cyber security, and China should work together with other countries to jointly move beyond geopolitics and build a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace.

Key Words】World Politics   Cyberspace   Cyber Security   Geopolitics   Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace

Author】 Cai Cuihong, Professor of the Center for American Studies, Fudan University